1. REY
Everybody have something to be proud of whether it be winning a competition or probably be the best kid in school for striving lots of A's in their exams. Well after years of living, I also got something about myself that I can be proud of. It all started when I start joining martial arts; Taekwondo when I was 9. is a Korean martial art, characterized by its emphasis on head-height kicks, jumping and spinning kicks, and fast kicking techniques. To facilitate fast, turning kicks, taekwondo generally adopts stances that are narrower and hence less stable than the broader, wide stances used by martial arts such a Karate. Taekwondo could be so hard for a start but with courage and passion, I'll know I can make it through. The first stage of learning, my 'guru' thought me some moves. The moves involve lots of punching and kicking. Taekwondo ranks vary from style to style and are not standardized. Typically, these ranks are separated into "junior" and "senior" sections, colloquially referred to as "color belts" and "black belts". After weeks of training, I got promoted to rank up from white belt to yellow belt. As a kid, that was my biggest achievement in doing something that I love. To learn Taekwondo, a person really needs to have courage, passion and high self-motivation to improve from one to another.
From the day I got myself promoted, I knew that this martial art could bring me somewhere. Since that day, I started training like that was the day of my life. I trained so hard so that I can achieve the 'Black Belt' which is the last stage in Taekwondo. To get to the last stage, I had to face lots of hurdles and hardships. I even got myself hurt lots of time in training, Sparring Competition and even on the Grading Day just to prove that I was born for this thing. At the age of 15, I earned lots of Taekwondo certificates for joining a lot of competitions that is held by the agency. After that Grading, I've got my Red-Black Belt. By that time only God knows how proud am I of myself. I've supposed to get Black Belt, but because of I am an underage candidate they promoted me to Red-Black Belt with my name on it to show that I'm an underage candidate with Black Belt.
. Achievements can be big or small depending on who achieves it. Sometimes it can be mastering a hobby and other times it can be winning an Emmy. For me, it was getting my big motorcycle license at the age of 18. I never ride a big motorcycle before prior to getting my license. I learned how to ride a motorcycle while watching youtube videos. It was hard a first to ride because I wasn't used to it. But after a few tries, I got the hang of it. After getting my license I got a gift of one big motorcycle.
Another achievement I am proud of is getting a to go to umrah when I was 17 thanks to my parents. It was the greatest moment in my life. When we were there we did the Umrah many times. I even got to do Friday prayers there. I also got to kiss the Hajarul Aswad I was suddenly pushed in front of it. I will remember both achievements till I die.
Actually, at this time I don't really have any big thing that I've achieved. But this thing is quite unbelievable. Let us start here, My name is Nelysa, I am 19 years old and my hobby is "SPENDING MONEY". So, as you can see there, I highlight the words "spending money". It's not that I'm proud of it, neither that is my achievement. Don't get it wrong. The thing that I want to tell it I am a king of waste.
Until this one day, I told myself that I need to buy a new Smartphone because my phone's camera is not really good as I really love to take a picture, so I decided to buy a new one. At that time I work at the night market selling "bihun sup" and earned Rm60 per day. Although that is a small amount, I try to keep it bit by bit to achieve my goal, which is buying a new smartphone. I start with bought a moneybox then I wrote "iPhone" on it. So every time I put my money inside the box, I knew what I kept the money for. Day by day passed, I opened the box, I can't believe that a waster like me could save at least Rm600. I know that is really a small amount but it's a big value for me, I never save money back then. Then I took the Rm 600 and withdraw some amount at the bank then I bought a new phone. I can't barely believe it. That is the first time I bought something that cost quite expensive using my own money, the money that I achieved when I am working at the night market. In this content, bought, a new phone is not my proudest achievement.
But my proudest achievement is knowing that I can save money if I'm willing to!
"It's not how much money you make,It's how you save it"It's right what the people always said, "Penny saved is a penny earned"
Feeling proud of yourself is one of those moments where words cannot express the sensation it provides. It's a feeling I rarely experience in life that makes I honorable and blissful within, even if the feeling is experienced through others. I am very proud of myself when I achieved something. Honestly, I am not a person that achieved a lot of things to be proud of. But at least I have a memorable moment when I was in standard 3 until standard 6, I participated in marching up to the state level and my team always win at the first place. Then, when I was in Form 1 until form 2, I am the first person that taking part in public speaking competition in year 2011 and 2012. Even I am not win at the first place but I am still proud of myself because I bring my school's name until to the state level. Last achievement that I proud until today is everything that I had now is used by own money, not my parents. I worked to get my own money. I proud of myself when I worked hard to get something.

I feel that I have achieved many things in life. I also feel that I have been through and overcome a lot through out my life. But my proudest achievement wasn't a long time ago. In fact, it was just a few weeks ago during my day spending time with my family. Every weekend, I always have activities done with my mums side of the family. We would always go for Pilates, Zumba classes or just chill out at my aunts house. My youngest cousin, her name is Thea. Thea just turned 3. She is adorable and she loves me so much that for her maid to get her to do things, she has to tell Thea that I am doing it too. For example, when Thea needs to brush her teeth, the maid has to say "Thea, brush your teeth. MinMin is doing it too!". Everything she does needs to relate to me. It is very adorable. So one weekend, we decided that we were just going to have a pool party at my uncle's house. Thea doesn't know how to swim and the parents have been trying to make her swim on her own even with floaties for months! But when I got into the swimming pool, she trusted me and actually started to swim on her own without me having to hold her. My uncle and aunt were sitting there by the pool and said "Wow, she trusts you so much. We've been trying to make her swim on her own but instead she just cries and cries!" I feel so achieved that I made her do that.